Hormone deficiency - Vitality Wellness Clinic

Hormone deficiency occurs when the body does not produce enough of a certain hormone. Hormones are chemical messengers that control various functions across the body. When someone does not make enough hormones, it causes an imbalance that can lead to unpleasant symptoms. Some common hormone deficiencies include:

What causes hormone deficiencies? Hormone deficiencies can stem from various issues such as: In some cases, the root cause is unknown. Environmental toxins and poor lifestyle habits may also contribute. How is hormone deficiency diagnosed and treated? If experiencing potential symptoms, it's important to see an endocrinologist who specializes in hormones. They can run blood work and imaging scans to check various hormone levels. If a deficiency exists, treatment aims to correct the imbalance. For example, thyroid disorders are treated with synthetic thyroid hormone medication to normalize levels. Testosterone replacement therapy helps increase testosterone in deficient men. Postmenopausal women receive hormone therapy with estrogen or progestin. Adjusting nutrition, reducing stress, and making other lifestyle changes can also help support healthy hormone regulation holistically.

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